Not only must you navigate medical bills after suffering harm because of another’s actions, but you must also juggle several other financial obligations. You cannot work to earn an income, so how do you keep bill collectors at bay?
NerdWallet breaks down how to handle bills when your funds do not go far enough. A few phone calls and budget adjustments could provide relief while you build your legal case.
Find out what happens when a bill goes unpaid
Rather than let your imagination go wild, contact your bill collectors to learn what happens when you do not pay a bill or make a late payment. You expect to pay late fees, but the consequences may not be as bad as you think. Or, you could face worse consequences. Either way, find out for sure, so you may create a resiliency strategy.
Another reason to learn what happens if you cannot pay a bill is so that you can let your bill collectors know about your current financial situation. They could have special programs or options to take advantage of so you do not suffer grave consequences.
Prioritize payments
Perhaps you have enough money to pay some bills. If so, figure out which to prioritize, such as groceries, electricity, rent/mortgage and heating/cooling. While your credit score could take a hit for leaving some bills unpaid, you may have a chance to rebuild it later. If you have a viable personal injury case and win, you could use some of the settlement money to wipe out your debt.
You do not deserve to experience financial anxiety after a personal injury. Learn how to bring back peace of mind.