Providing Sound Advice In a Range Of
Legal Matters For More Than 35 Years

Animal Attacks

<h2>Central Ohio Lawyers For Vicious Dog Attacks</h2>
<p>Many people underestimate the damage a dog bite can do until they or someone they love have been bitten. Dog bites can cause severe, permanent injury like disfiguring scars and painful injuries to limbs.</p>
<p>At <span class=Hayes Law Offices, Inc. in Pataskala, Ohio, we represent the victims of dog attacks and dog bite injuries as well as injuries caused by other animals. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve good results in these matters.

When A Child Has Been Injured By A Dog Bite Or Animal Attack

Because of their small stature and playful nature, children are often more likely to be bitten by dogs than adults. And dog bite injuries to children can be some of the most severe.

Childhood dog bite or animal attack injuries can cause permanent facial scarring that affects your child in many ways. In addition to the pain, dog bite injuries may require extensive and costly surgery and can limit your child’s development — leading to social problems like feelings of inferiority and self doubt for years to come.

But legal action can help you hold the animal owner accountable, helping your child get the compensation he or she needs for the best possible care and the resources to move forward.

Contact Hayes Law Offices About Taking Legal Action

To talk to the attorneys at Hayes Law Offices about a dog attack or bite, contact us at 740-927-2927 or toll free at 1-800-536-8678 to schedule a free initial consultation.