Avoiding Probate
Avoiding Probate In Pataskala, Ohio
Probate can be time- and money-consuming. Property that could otherwise have been distributed after death may be subject to lengthy probate court processes. Money that is spent on court costs, attorney fees, or executor fees can deplete an estate’s value. In some cases, we can help you achieve the same results by drafting documents that eliminate the need for the probate process.
At Hayes Law Offices, Inc. we have more than 30 years of experience handling a wide variety of estate planning matters for our Ohio clients. We understand how important it is that your assets are transferred efficiently. Contact us or call 1-800-536-8678 to discuss your estate planning needs.
Providing The Legal Documents You Need For Avoiding Probate
There are many ways to avoid probate. Not all of them may work for your estate, but we can help you determine which ones are right for you.
- Titling property jointly with rights of survivorship is one way to avoid probate. This is a type of dual ownership of property where, when one owner dies, the property passes to the surviving owner without probate.
- A transfer on death affidavit or payable on death account also allows an individual to pass certain assets to his or her heirs without going through probate. These documents may include items such as your house, other real estate Link to Real Estate Law, stocks you own, or funds in your bank account.
- A revocable living trust provide another way to pass along property without the need for probate. This document allows you to appoint somebody to distribute your assets and to maintain a certain amount of control over them following your death. It is important that you have an attorney assist you with the drafting of these documents. An experienced lawyer can ensure that your documents comply with legal regulations and are valid after your death.
It is important that you have an attorney assist you with the drafting of these documents. An experienced lawyer can ensure that your documents comply with your desires and legal regulations.
Contact Us
The lawyers at the Hayes Law Offices have the experience to keep your assets secure with a solid estate plan. For more information on setting up your estate and avoiding probate, contact our law office or call 740-927-2927 or call toll free at 1-800-536-8678.